Why you should Promote Fanpage Connect Pro:
We’ve found that the success or failure of any affiliate promotion is dependent upon 3 factors: How well the sales page converts, How many clients end up refunding, and How much qualified traffic can be driven to the sales page.1) How does your sales page convert?
Currently we are converting 4.4% of all visitors to the sales page. Once someone clicks on the “add to cart button” the likeliness that they’ll purchase jumps to 40.9% (as of 9/5/2011).2) What is the refund rate?
Since launching we’ve had a steady refund rate that is less than 1%. Our commitment is to under sale and over deliver.We’ve always found that the best strategy for low refund rates is to resolve concerns immediately, and to drip additional free services/software following the sale. So far that strategy has continued to work like a charm.
3) How much qualified traffic can be driven to the site?
Obviously, Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon. 75% of internet users in the US have a Facebook account. There are several ways to drive qualified traffic to the Fanpage Connect Pro website: PPC, Facebook Ads, and PPM.The best method will be viral traffic. If you’re promoting Fanpage Connect Pro, you’ll get paid off the viral traffic that prospects send when they post on their wall. How does this happen?
When a user clicks your hoplink, your ClickBank ID will be passed to the site. We offer a slight discount to users if they post our link on their facebook wall. If they came in on your hoplink, then your hoplink gets posted to that person’s facebook wall – how’s that for viral?!
This gives you additional exposure and potential sales well beyond driving just one buyer to the site. That buyer has friends, and they have friends, and well.. .you get the idea!
4) A Bonus Traffic Method For You
If you register for our sales contest below, we’ll send you a customized version of the free plugin that will be embedded with your ClickBank ID that you can give away or let users download directly from your site.The Free version of the plugin contains links to the Pro version throughout the help file, so if a user clicks the link, they’ll be clicking your hoplink to buy the plugin.
On top of that, the free version contains a site attribution in the footer of each fan page – that’ll be turned into your hoplink as well!
5) Oh Yeah, You’re Interested in Commissions…
How’s 50%?If you’re interested capitalizing on the social media revolution to make money online, you’re in the right place. If you join up with our affiliate program and start promoting Fanpage Connect Pro, you have the potential to make healthy commissions.
For every sale you generate, you will receive 50% of the total revenue. The only thing you need to do to get that is forward potential buyers to our site using your own affiliate link!
Sales Contest – Wanna Win an iPad 2? Yeah, of Course You Do!
From now until the end of December 2011, the affiliate that generates the most sales will win an iPad 2!
click this out: FanPageConnect.Com